Rechargeable batteries are particularly suitable to retain the energy during periods of excess production, and release the energy during periods of increased electricity demand. Thus, rechargeable battery can accommodate the intrinsic variability and intermittency of the electricity generated from solar. Many applications requiring a customized storage solution will benefit not only from their flexibility but also from their scalability.

While many rechargeable battery systems are available commercially, almost none of them are sufficiently robust, have long operating life, in addition of being environmentally friendly.

NanoNiFe commercializes a novel NiFe chemistry, enabling the lowest cost over battery life, without sacrificing quality. This hybrid battery design provides high power and energy performance over decades, with a durable chemistry at minimum maintenance.

NanoNiFe’s unique chemistry enables solar residential energy storage, and other stationary applications such as energy back-up. The versatile technology benefits military applications such as micro-grid supply, and the heavy-duty  mobile market.